Using LightOSM in Unit Tests

To avoid having to download graphs within unit tests, it is suggested that something similar to the OSMGraph stub used in LightOSM's own tests (see test/stub.jl) is used by your package. This allows you to have explicit control over the structure of the graph and therefore to have explicit tests.

Manual Stub Creation

To create your own graph stub, the nodes and ways must be manually created and inputted. Restrictions can also be optionally added.


Nodes must be have an ID and GeoLocation

lats = [-38.0751637, -38.0752637, -38.0753637, -38.0754637]
lons = [145.3326838, 145.3326838, 145.3326838, 145.3326833]
node_ids = [1001, 1002, 1003, 1004]
nodes = Dict(
    id => Node(
        GeoLocation(lat, lon),
        Dict{String, Any}() # Don't need tags
    ) for (lat, lon, id) in zip(lats, lons, node_ids)


Ways must have an ID, a node list that only includes nodes you have defined and must include the tags in the example shown below.

way_ids = [2001, 2002]
way_nodes = [
    [1001, 1002, 1003],
    [1003, 1004],
tag_dicts = [
    Dict{String, Any}(
        "oneway" => false,
        "reverseway" => false,
        "maxspeed" => Int16(50),
        "lanes" => Int8(2)
    Dict{String, Any}(
        "oneway" => false,
        "reverseway" => false,
        "maxspeed" => Int16(50),
        "lanes" => Int8(2)
ways = Dict(way_id => Way(way_id, nodes, tag_dict) for (way_id, nodes, tag_dict) in zip(way_ids, way_nodes, tag_dicts))

Graph creation


The functions here are not part of the stable API and will be replaced by a generate_graph function or similar

Creating the graph relies on some LightOSM internals to populate all other fields of the OSMGraph object

g = OSMGraph{U,T,W}(nodes=nodes, ways=ways)
LightOSM.add_weights!(g, :distance) # or :time
LightOSM.add_graph!(g, :static) # or any desired graph type
g.dijkstra_states = Vector{Vector{U}}(undef, length(g.nodes))


Optionally, restrictions can be added.

restriction1 = Restriction(
    Dict{String, Any}("restriction"=>"only_straight_on","type"=>"restriction"),
    1003, # must be set if restriction is via_node
    nothing, # must be set if restriction is via_way
    false, # true for no_left_turn, no_right_turn, no_u_turn, no_straight_on
    true # true for only_right_turn, only_left_turn, only_straight_on
restrictions = Dict( => restriction1)

See Restriction for more information on Restriction objects.

And then when instantiating the OSMGraph

g = OSMGraph{U,T,W}(nodes=nodes, ways=ways, restrictions=restrictions)

Using the LightOSM stub

This is not part of the API

Using this function is not part of the packages API, and thereore may change without respecting Semantic Versioning. It is suggested to create your own stub for your own package, rather than using this.

To use the stub provided in LightOSM, run the following in your tests

using LightOSM
include(joinpath(pathof(LightOSM), "test", "stub.jl"))
g = basic_osm_graph_stub()